Discovery House launched at Alconbury Weald

  • 15.01.2024
Discovery House

David Wilson Homes recently opened its Discovery House at Alconbury Weald, which has been expertly designed with cut-aways in the walls, floors and ceiling, so you can see what goes on behind the scenes of a finished home during the different stages of the build.

In preparation for Future Homes Standards, which is part of the Government’s initiative for new homes to be Zero Carbon ready from 2025, David Wilson has incorporated a number of step changes within its homes at Alconbury Weald. Energy efficient features include high efficiency insulation, photovoltaic panels, combi boilers with integrated flue gas heat recovery, waste water heat recovery system, decentralised mechanical extract ventilation and electric car charging points.

The Discovery House also provides an insight into average water and energy uses and gives top tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint as well as save on your utility bills.

David Wilson Homes’ Discovery House is fascinating. It is part of the housebuilder’s show home complex, and it is interesting to see all the different components that go into a new build, besides a fully furnished new home. I would thoroughly recommend a visit for the whole family, as there’s something to spark everyone’s interest.

Paul Murfin - Communities and Partnerships for Alconbury Weald

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